Pre-K Curriculum

4 Year Old Pre-K Curriculum
Physical Development
- Health and Wellbeing
- The child will practice healthy and safe habits (following rules in class)
- The child will participate in activities related to nutrition (snack/lunch)
- Use of Senses
- The child will demonstrate an awareness of the body in space and child’s relationship to objects in space
- The child will use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information
- Motor Skills
- The child will demonstrate gross motor skills
- The child will demonstrate fine motor skills
Social and Emotional Development
- Developing a sense of self
- The child will develop self-awareness
- The child will engage in self-exploration
- Self-Regulation
- The child will demonstrate self-control
- Developing a sense of self with others
- The child will develop relationships and social skills with adults
- The child will develop relationships and social skills with peers
Approaches to Play and Learning
- Initiative and Exploration
- The child will demonstrate initiative and self-direction
- The child will demonstrate interest and curiosity
- Attentiveness and Persistence
- The child will sustain attention to a specific activity and demonstrate persistence
- Play
- The child will engage in a progression of imaginative play
- The child will demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play and learning
Communication, Language, and Literacy Development
- Receptive Language (Listening)
- The child will listen to conversations and comprehend for a variety of purposes
- The child will acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, or books
- Expressive Language
- The child will use nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes
- The child will use increasingly complex spoken language for a variety of purposes
- Early Reading
- The child will acquire the meaning from a variety of materials read to him or her
- The child will develop early phonological awareness (awareness of the units of sound)
- The child will demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet
- The child will demonstrate awareness of print concepts
- Early Writing
- The child will use writing for a variety of purposes
Cognitive Development and General Knowledge
- Number and Quantity
- The child will organize, represent, and build knowledge of quantity and number
- The child will manipulate, compare, describe relationships, and solve problems using quantity and number
- Measurement and Comparison
- The child will explore and communicate about distance, weight, length, height, and time
- The child will sort, seriate, classify, and create patterns
- Geometry and Spatial Thinking
- The child will explore, recognize, and describe spatial relationships between objects
- The child will explore, recognize, and describe shapes and shape concepts
- Mathematical Reasoning
- The child will use mathematical problem solving, reasoning, estimation, and communication
Social Studies
- Family
- The child will demonstrate understanding of their family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity
- People and Community
- The child will demonstrate an understanding of their community and an emerging awareness of others’ culture and ethnicity
- The child will demonstrate an awareness of geography of their community
- The child will demonstrate awareness of the demographics and economy of their community
- History and Events
- The child will understand that events happen in the past and how these events relate to self and others
- Scientific Skills and Methods
- The child will demonstrate and develop scientific inquiry skills
- Earth and Space
- The child will demonstrate knowledge related to the dynamic properties of Earth and sky
- Living Creatures
- The child will demonstrate knowledge of living creatures and their environments
- Physical Science
- The child will demonstrate knowledge related to physical science
- Interaction with Environment
- The child will demonstrate awareness of, and the need to protect, their environment
Creative Development
- Creative Movement and Dance
- The child will participate in dance to express creativity
- Visual Arts
- The child will create, observe, and analyze visual art forms to develop artistic expression
- Music
- The child will use their voice, instruments, and objects to develop musical expression
- Drama
- The child will use drama to express creativity
Cognitive Process
- Thinking Skills
- The child will demonstrate awareness of cause and effect
- The child will use prior knowledge to build new knowledge
- Problem Solving
- The child will identify a problem, explore solutions to achieve an end result, and communicate findings
- Spiritual Development
- The child will understand God’s active presence in their life
- The child will learn to pray
- The child will come to an understanding of who Jesus is