Nov 24, 2024
The Origin of Thanksgiving
Series: Sunday Morning Service
"November 24, 2024 Sunday AM Service".
- Nov 24, 2024The Origin of Thanksgiving
Nov 24, 2024The Origin of ThanksgivingSeries: Sunday Morning Service"November 24, 2024 Sunday AM Service".
- Nov 17, 2024The Bread of Life
Nov 17, 2024The Bread of LifeSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceIs Jesus interested in our physical needs? To a point yes; and in grace He oftentimes meets them. But Jesus is far more concerned about our spiritual needs, and these He willingly meets always. Discover why this is so as you listen to Dr. Zampogna's message and teaching on The Bread of Life from John 6.
- Nov 10, 2024Homecoming Service
Nov 10, 2024Homecoming ServiceBy: Trey McCallSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceHomecoming "Sunday, November 10, 2024 AM Service".
- Nov 3, 2024God’s Ruling
Nov 3, 2024God’s RulingSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceToday Pastor Brandon tells of the truth of God’s Soveirgnty in this upcoming election, and the decisions that God’s children should make to uphold the Word of God.
- Oct 27, 2024Revival Service 1
Oct 27, 2024Revival Service 1By: Johnathon LotzSeries: Sunday Morning Service"October 27, 2024 Sunday AM Revival".
- Oct 27, 2024Revival Service 2
Oct 27, 2024Revival Service 2By: Johnathon LotzSeries: Sunday Morning Service"October 27, 2024 Sunday PM Revival".
- Oct 20, 2024Walk Worthy
- Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of America
Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of AmericaSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message, The Devolution of America, Pastor Don speaks to the issue of our environment and climate change, we hear so much about. What does the Bible teach regarding the environment and climate change? Friends, are we to worship the Creator or the creation? What are we to believe?
- Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of America
Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of AmericaSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message, The Devolution of America, Pastor Don speaks to the issue of our environment and climate change, we hear so much about. What does the Bible teach regarding the environment and climate change? Friends, are we to worship the Creator or the creation? What are we to believe?
- Sep 15, 2024What Is The Meaning of the LORD’S Supper? I Corinthians 11:23-33
Sep 15, 2024What Is The Meaning of the LORD’S Supper? I Corinthians 11:23-33Series: Sunday Morning ServiceListen and learn in this message from Pastor Don the five-fold meaning of the LORD'S Supper.
- Sep 8, 2024For Compassion’s Sake Genesis 2:5-8, 15
Sep 8, 2024For Compassion’s Sake Genesis 2:5-8, 15Series: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message on America's border crisis, Pastor Don asks the questions:What does God have to say when it comes to compassion?
What does God have to say about borders?
What does God have to say about immigration? - Sep 1, 2024God’s Way or Man’s Way?
Sep 1, 2024God’s Way or Man’s Way?Series: Sunday Morning ServicePastor Don preaches on the third great issue in this upcoming Presidential Election, the economy. Four biblical principles that have to do with our economy. First, any politician who will take life will take your liberty. Second, redistribution is when a politician takes your wealth and gives and rewards people for doing nothing. Third, the greater the socialism, the greater the poverty. Greater freedom, liberty equals greater wealth. And greater government equals greater poverty. Fourth, and most important of all is that error hates Truth, because Truth reveals error. This election is about our liberty and freedom. We must stand against tyranny!
- Aug 25, 2024What Happened to the Nuclear Family?
Aug 25, 2024What Happened to the Nuclear Family?Series: Sunday Morning ServicePastor Brandon asks this one critical question today. What happened to the nuclear family? Is it possible that spiritual desmasculination and defeminization has allowed the LGBTQ and feminist movement of our nation to drive a wedge between who the world would have them to be and who God designed them to be?
- Aug 18, 2024Abortion: Psalm 139:13-16
Aug 18, 2024Abortion: Psalm 139:13-16Series: Sunday Morning ServiceHuman life begins at conception and therefore, has all rights to life. It is a liberty guaranteed to every person at conception by Almighty God and when these standards no longer carry any weight with our leaders, religious liberty suffers. We won’t get away with burying our head in the sand pretending it is not our problem. It is our problem and it is a problem directly tied to our religious liberties. Life, the right to life, and the fight for life is every man and woman’s responsibility according to God's Word.
- Aug 18, 2024Breaking Mindsets: John 5:1-15
Aug 18, 2024Breaking Mindsets: John 5:1-15Series: Sunday Morning ServiceJesus did not set us free. He made us free. If we’re set free, we can be bound again, but when we’re made free, we can never be bound again. When we’re made free, we’re free to be who God wants us to be.
- Aug 11, 2024Are You Ready? I Corinthians 15:51-52
Aug 11, 2024Are You Ready? I Corinthians 15:51-52Series: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message Pastor Don stresses the importance of being ready for the coming rapture of Christ's church.
- Aug 4, 2024Israel & God’s Promise of Blessing Genesis12:1-3
Aug 4, 2024Israel & God’s Promise of Blessing Genesis12:1-3Series: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message Israel & God’s Promise of Blessing, Dr. Zampogna answers several questions being asked in our day. What does it mean to bless Israel? What is a Zionist? Why the hatred for Israel? Why the desire of the nation to annihilate Israel? What about the two-state solution? What do all the nations who have opposed Israel all have in common?
- Jul 28, 2024Is God Finished with America? Psalm 80
Jul 28, 2024Is God Finished with America? Psalm 80Series: Sunday Morning ServiceAmerica is a country in great national despair, filled with personal sorrow and national shame, facing a grave danger in our nation today. Thus, we must ask the questions: Is God finished with America? Has God taken down His hedge from America?
- Jul 21, 2024A Most Wicked Ruler II Chronicles 33:1-10
Jul 21, 2024A Most Wicked Ruler II Chronicles 33:1-10Series: Sunday Morning ServiceWho is the person you have the most trouble with?
Who is the person you can’t stand the most?
Who is that person you know who came from a good Christian family but they live like the devil himself?
Who in your mind is so awful, so bad, so destitute, you believe they could never be saved?God wants us to know and remember this no matter what state a person is in, they are in this life not beyond the reach of the Holy Spirit to be saved, and we need to be praying that way! - Jul 14, 2024How Jesus Overcame Temptation Matthew 4:1-11
Jul 14, 2024How Jesus Overcame Temptation Matthew 4:1-11Series: Sunday Morning ServiceFriends, have you opened any door either knowingly or unknowingly that has invited temptation into your life? The topic of God’s message for us is how to overcome temptation, and God wants us to go to school on Jesus, so He can help us achieve victory when temptation assails us.