Oct 16, 2023
This Kind Mark 9:17-29
Series: Revival
Revival Speaker Pastor Tom Edwards preaching from Mark 9 teaches us where we are in this generation and says we are asking the same question the disciples asked: Why they could not and Jesus answered them and He answers us today saying this kind can only be dealt with through prayer and fasting.
- Oct 16, 2023This Kind Mark 9:17-29
Oct 16, 2023This Kind Mark 9:17-29Series: RevivalRevival Speaker Pastor Tom Edwards preaching from Mark 9 teaches us where we are in this generation and says we are asking the same question the disciples asked: Why they could not and Jesus answered them and He answers us today saying this kind can only be dealt with through prayer and fasting.
- Oct 15, 2023The Undoing of a Soul & The Redeeming of a Soul Isaiah 6:1-7
Oct 15, 2023The Undoing of a Soul & The Redeeming of a Soul Isaiah 6:1-7Series: RevivalRevival Speaker Pastor Tom Edwards ask the question: Can you recall a time when you were lost and you knew what lost was and then, you weren't lost anymore?
- Oct 15, 2023The Holiness of God The Sinfulness of Man Isaiah 6:1-8
Oct 15, 2023The Holiness of God The Sinfulness of Man Isaiah 6:1-8Series: RevivalRevival Speaker Pastor Tom Edwards shares the holiness of God means we are accountable before God.
- Oct 11, 2023Psalm 107 The Healing Word of God
Oct 11, 2023Psalm 107 The Healing Word of GodSeries: Midweek ServiceDr. Zampogna shares four different scenarios that occurred in the lives of the Israelites and us today.
- Oct 8, 2023Spiritual Gifts Romans 12:6-8
Oct 8, 2023Spiritual Gifts Romans 12:6-8Series: Sunday Evening ServiceIn this message on Spiritual Gifts, Dr. Zampogna teaches there are three kinds of people in every church: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who don’t even know what is happening. To which group do you belong?
- Oct 8, 2023The Wonder of Heaven John 14:1-6
Oct 8, 2023The Wonder of Heaven John 14:1-6Series: Sunday Morning ServiceDr. Zampogna preaching on The Wonder of Heaven states that our knowledge of heaven is limited because on one hand God teaches in His Word more about what will not be in heaven than He does about what will. But on the other hand, he states, the Bible teaches us all we need to know about heaven to leave us in breathless wonder. Listen and discover seven truths about The Wonder of Heaven
- Oct 4, 2023Psalm 106:34-48 A National Confession Part V
Oct 4, 2023Psalm 106:34-48 A National Confession Part VSeries: Midweek ServiceIn this message, Dr. Zampogna highlights the national sins of America that need to be repented of if we want God to hear from heaven and answer our prayers for ourselves, our families, and our nation.
- Oct 1, 2023The Spirit Filled Life Ephesians 5:14-18
Oct 1, 2023The Spirit Filled Life Ephesians 5:14-18Series: Sunday Evening ServiceMany Christians today say, Oh, I’m so glad I’m a Christian, so I can live in this horrible world. It’s a horrible world, but our LORD has put us here to be His ambassador, His representatives to shine the gospel light and allow God’s Holy Spirit to use us. And what’s needed in these days and times is for Christians to work as if everything depends on us and to pray as if everything depends on Him.
- Oct 1, 2023Ghosts that Haunt Us Job 8:8-10
Oct 1, 2023Ghosts that Haunt Us Job 8:8-10Series: Sunday Morning ServiceIn Job 8:8, Job’s friends respond to his suffering with an urge to appeal to look for answers from the philosophers of yesterday. Likewise, this world has been shaped, molded and skewed by a few philosophers of yesterday. Dr. Zampogna relays the deeper evil of the theories given from five ghosts that haunt us, even to this day.
- Sep 27, 2023Psalm 106 A National Confession Part IV
Sep 27, 2023Psalm 106 A National Confession Part IVSeries: Midweek ServiceDr. Zampogna focuses on the lives of two men in this message Phineas and Moses and illustrates the great need for zealousness among Christians today and the sad consequences that comes to leaders who lose their temper ,when they are provoked.
- Sep 24, 2023Just Get to Jesus Matthew 9:18-26
Sep 24, 2023Just Get to Jesus Matthew 9:18-26Series: HomecomingMatthew 9 brings us face-to-face with the hopeless cry for life. Pastor Doug Odle teaches us that for anyone to find life they've just got to get to Jesus!
- Sep 21, 2023September 17, 2023 Sunday PM Service
Sep 21, 2023September 17, 2023 Sunday PM ServiceBy: Steve OsborneSeries: Sunday Evening Service"September 17, 2023 Sunday PM Service".
- Sep 13, 2023Enrichment in Jesus
Sep 13, 2023Enrichment in JesusSeries: Sunday Morning Service
[audio mp3="https://www.greenvalleybaptist.church/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/September-17-2023-Sunday-AM-Service-1.mp3"][/audio]
[audio mp3="https://www.greenvalleybaptist.church/hp_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/September-17-2023-Sunday-AM-Service.mp3"][/audio]
- Sep 10, 2023Where the Church Went Wrong I John 1:6-7
Sep 10, 2023Where the Church Went Wrong I John 1:6-7Series: Sunday Morning ServiceDr. Zampogna preaches in America, we believe that living by faith means that we live our lives the way we want to live our lives, justifying our behavior in light of the world’s wisdom. Then when we make a mess out of things, we get on our knees and ask God to fix it. That is not living by faith that is testing God!
- Sep 6, 2023Psalm 106:6-15 A National Confession Part II
Sep 6, 2023Psalm 106:6-15 A National Confession Part IISeries: Midweek ServiceThough America is not God’s chosen nation, God has blessed America as He has blessed no other nation. No other nation has been blessed like America has, BUT understand God has only one chosen nation and that is Israel. So, why has God blessed America like He has no other nation? It is because America’s founding as a nation was upon Judeo-Christian principles.
- Sep 3, 2023Your Need is to Be Filled Ephesians 5:15-18
Sep 3, 2023Your Need is to Be Filled Ephesians 5:15-18Series: Sunday Evening ServiceThe Bible commands Christians to “be filled with the Spirit;” Are you aware that more harm is done by people and churches who are trying to do the work of God in their own flesh? Can you just imagine what might take place for God’s kingdom here on earth if every single believer was Spirit filled?
- Sep 3, 2023The Perils of Postponement Proverbs 27:1 #5
Sep 3, 2023The Perils of Postponement Proverbs 27:1 #5Series: Wisdom's CallIn this message on The Perils of Procrastination, Dr. Zampogna shares that far and away, the majority of people who hear the gospel message and go out unsaved and remain unsaved are lost because of procrastination. They believe the gospel, and they know that they need to be saved, but they keep putting it off. Why? Well, they got by yesterday without Jesus, and so, they assume that tomorrow will be like yesterday.
- Aug 30, 2023Galatians
- Aug 27, 2023The Way to Strong Faith Romans 10:11-17
Aug 27, 2023The Way to Strong Faith Romans 10:11-17Series: Sunday Evening ServiceGod's Word teaches us about the reality of faith, the root of faith, the result of faith, and how to release our faith, but it all begins with this, you must have a desire in your heart to get to know God.
- Aug 27, 2023The Backslider Proverbs 14:14 #4
Aug 27, 2023The Backslider Proverbs 14:14 #4Series: Sunday Morning ServiceDon’t think it can’t happen to you because the Bible teaches that a man after God’s own heart, was a great sinner and backslider. Jeremiah the prophet, wrote: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” David was a wise man, a good man, a humble man, a noble man, a courageous man, but David went down. And that is a lesson for every one of us. We are never closer to our greatest failure than when we are at the height of our greatest success.