Oct 27, 2024
Revival Service 2
By: Johnathon Lotz
Series: Sunday Morning Service
"October 27, 2024 Sunday PM Revival".
- Oct 27, 2024Revival Service 2
Oct 27, 2024Revival Service 2By: Johnathon LotzSeries: Sunday Morning Service"October 27, 2024 Sunday PM Revival".
- Oct 20, 2024Walk Worthy
- Oct 17, 2024Psalm 125 A Song of Holy Confidence
Oct 17, 2024Psalm 125 A Song of Holy ConfidenceSeries: Midweek Service"October 16, 2024 Mideweek Service".
- Oct 14, 2024An Attitude of Gratitude
Oct 14, 2024An Attitude of GratitudeSeries: Sunday Evening ServiceIn his message on "An Attitude of Gratitude", Pastor Don points out when it comes to revival that God Won’t Revive the Unthankful. Being ungrateful is a deadly sin that affects The Way You Worship, and Ingratitude, being unthankful ,Affects Our Culture. And when you add all these things up it spells SIN. And God cannot, will not, and has not ever blessed sin. That's why so many Christians today are in need of revival!
- Oct 13, 2024Caught in the Mire
Oct 13, 2024Caught in the MireSeries: Midweek ServiceIn this message entitled "Caught in the Mire", Pastor Don preaches, say what you will, but the majority of those who claim to be Christians today are living in direct disobedience to the will of God for their lives. It is God’s will for His born-again children to be students of God’s Word…II Timothy 2:15 Yet, one in four admit they ignore God on this matter. No wonder they are caught in the mire of this world’s system.
- Oct 10, 2024Psalm 124: Our Soul Has Escaped
Oct 10, 2024Psalm 124: Our Soul Has EscapedSeries: Midweek Service"October 9, 2024 Midweek Service".
- Oct 7, 2024Spiritual Eyes and Pure Hearts
Oct 7, 2024Spiritual Eyes and Pure HeartsSeries: Sunday Evening ServiceIn his message entitled, Spiritual Eyes and Pure Hearts, Pastor Don preaches the Holy Scriptures to teach us the key to revival.
- Oct 6, 2024The Most Important Question
Oct 6, 2024The Most Important QuestionSeries: Sunday Evening ServiceIn his message, The Most Important Question, Pastor Don preaches that if you choose to allow the enemy to keep you in the dark, you will never get around to asking or considering the most important question and answering it. And a day will come soon enough when you will wish you would have, but it will be too late.
- Oct 6, 2024The Most Important Question
Oct 6, 2024The Most Important QuestionSeries: Sunday Evening ServiceIn his message, The Most Important Question, Pastor Don preaches that if you choose to allow the enemy to keep you in the dark, you will never get around to asking or considering the most important question and answering it. And a day will come soon enough when you will wish you would have, but it will be too late.
- Sep 23, 2024The Like As’ Principle
Sep 23, 2024The Like As’ PrincipleSeries: Sunday Evening ServiceIn his message on "The “Like As” Principle," Pastor Don teaches the like as principle is when Holy Scripture compares spiritual things to natural things as seen Isaiah 40:31
- Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of America
Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of AmericaSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message, The Devolution of America, Pastor Don speaks to the issue of our environment and climate change, we hear so much about. What does the Bible teach regarding the environment and climate change? Friends, are we to worship the Creator or the creation? What are we to believe?
- Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of America
Sep 22, 2024The Devolution of AmericaSeries: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message, The Devolution of America, Pastor Don speaks to the issue of our environment and climate change, we hear so much about. What does the Bible teach regarding the environment and climate change? Friends, are we to worship the Creator or the creation? What are we to believe?
- Sep 15, 2024Open Heavens Matthew 3:16-17
Sep 15, 2024Open Heavens Matthew 3:16-17Series: Sunday Evening ServiceFather, may you place with in our hearts the desire to live under open heavens. In Jesus Name I pray amen.
- Sep 15, 2024What Is The Meaning of the LORD’S Supper? I Corinthians 11:23-33
Sep 15, 2024What Is The Meaning of the LORD’S Supper? I Corinthians 11:23-33Series: Sunday Morning ServiceListen and learn in this message from Pastor Don the five-fold meaning of the LORD'S Supper.
- Sep 11, 2024Psalm 122 Joy in Communion
Sep 11, 2024Psalm 122 Joy in CommunionSeries: Midweek ServicePastor Don shares in this Psalm how every church can obtain and have the three-fold blessing of peace, unity, and prosperity.
- Sep 8, 2024For Compassion’s Sake Genesis 2:5-8, 15
Sep 8, 2024For Compassion’s Sake Genesis 2:5-8, 15Series: Sunday Morning ServiceIn this message on America's border crisis, Pastor Don asks the questions:What does God have to say when it comes to compassion?
What does God have to say about borders?
What does God have to say about immigration? - Sep 5, 2024Psalm 121 A Psalm of Hope
Sep 5, 2024Psalm 121 A Psalm of HopeSeries: Midweek ServiceWhat this world needs now is hope and the psalmist shows us how to have it.
- Sep 1, 2024God’s Way or Man’s Way?
Sep 1, 2024God’s Way or Man’s Way?Series: Sunday Morning ServicePastor Don preaches on the third great issue in this upcoming Presidential Election, the economy. Four biblical principles that have to do with our economy. First, any politician who will take life will take your liberty. Second, redistribution is when a politician takes your wealth and gives and rewards people for doing nothing. Third, the greater the socialism, the greater the poverty. Greater freedom, liberty equals greater wealth. And greater government equals greater poverty. Fourth, and most important of all is that error hates Truth, because Truth reveals error. This election is about our liberty and freedom. We must stand against tyranny!
- Aug 26, 2024Don’t Miss Your Visitation!
Aug 26, 2024Don’t Miss Your Visitation!Series: Sunday Evening ServiceIn this message entitled "Don't Miss Your Visitation" Pastor Don shares that the wording of Revelation 3:20 teaches that God will give us an opportunity to perceive and recognize his voice, and to respond to Him.
- Aug 25, 2024What Happened to the Nuclear Family?
Aug 25, 2024What Happened to the Nuclear Family?Series: Sunday Morning ServicePastor Brandon asks this one critical question today. What happened to the nuclear family? Is it possible that spiritual desmasculination and defeminization has allowed the LGBTQ and feminist movement of our nation to drive a wedge between who the world would have them to be and who God designed them to be?